Elephant Ear (Colocasia) Plant
It was a bright and sunny morning when I took these macro photographs of the elephant ear plants.
Elephant Ear (Colocasia) Plant

The Elephant Ear (Colocasia) plant is a perennial herb that grows up to 9 feet in height and sprouts large, arrow-shaped leaves. It gets its name because the large leaves resemble the ears on an elephant. It was a bright and sunny morning when I took these macro photographs of the elephant ear plants in Nancy's garden. This plant was grown and nurtured by my good friend Nancy Brentlinger. Jim and Nancy Brentlinger are owners of Linger's Fishing Guide and Lodge, which can be visited for the best in trout fishing in Arkansas, at http://www.lingersguide.com Most of the images are straight photographs with some Photoshop adjustments and some have filter adjustments using Topaz filter plugin.